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Panama listed in the global maritime cities ranking

CLD Legal

Panama ranked 47th out of the 50 maritime cities in the world in the list prepared by Menon Economics and DNV, standing out as the top city in the Latin American region.

This report evaluates and compares the main port and maritime cities based on five key pillars: Shipping, Maritime Finance and Law, Maritime Technology, Ports and Logistics, and Attractiveness and Competitiveness. The objective is to provide information on the infrastructures, technologies, finances, and talent available in these cities to help the maritime community connect and thrive. In the case of Panama, being ranked 47th out of the 50 cities evaluated highlights its relevance in the world.

Panama's position in this ranking highlights its crucial role as a maritime hub that significantly contributes to international trade and logistics. At CLD Legal, we are ready to assist you in navigating the complexities of the maritime sector and capitalize on the opportunities that this strategic position offers.

If your company is looking to expand in the maritime sector or needs specialized advice in maritime legislation, contact us at CLD Legal for personalized consultancy services -


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